Learn more about CLSI as an organization, our activities, and the clinical laboratory standards we deliver to the worldwide laboratory health care community. Select a CLSI FAQcategory listedbelow to find the answers you seek.
The organization changed its name to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) in January 2005. The acronym NCCLS stood for its previous name, National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.
Established in 1968, CLSI is a volunteer-driven, membership-supported, not-for-profit, standards development organization.
You can find out more about our vision, mission, and values here.
Yes, CLSI is accredited by the American National Standards Institute.
CLSI develops and publishes standards and guidelines through a consensus process that involves representatives from government, industry, and the health care professions. Because of the unique credibility our threefold consensus process gives to our documents, regulatory agencies or accrediting bodies often require that a specific CLSI standard or guideline be followed. In these cases, following the standard or guideline becomes mandatory for institutions aiming to meet given regulatory or accreditation requirements.
CLSI's consensus process is mapped out in this chart.